I am on a hiatus right now. Saving up cash big time in the past twelve months. Will go on an all you can eat sex buffet in Asia maybe next year.
Good for you! Twelve months and counting. Impressive! Yes, I could imagined cash savings you'll have later. See you somewhere in Asia, I hope sooner
I persevered in last 3 months since December 2020. But, I did succumb two weeks ago. It's still good, I did not go crazy or all out. I only spent few hundreds. I noticed decline on excitement. Well, in the firs place the only reason I went was because I'm loosing interest.
I love this hobby. I would like to continue. But, current pandemic situation is 100% cock block! I've known several people who were infected by COVID-19. None were serious aside from being down/sick in 3 to 5 days. I for one believe for the safety of everyone. It'll take for a while. I already stopped reading news. It's depressing to hear medias, so cold experts and don't even mention damn Governments. What a waste!
It's sad to see what's happening in Canada. You can tell it has no power or influence at all. The inability to purchase or negotiate in obtaining vaccines shows weakness of government leadership! To date Canada has 5 million plus vaccinations. It's miniscule in comparison to USA that has more than 145 million.
I cannot blame USA for keeping for themselves and prioritizing their citizens. It's entirely understandable. But, what's upsetting is...this damn so called big brother, close ally and neighbor decided to give mere 1.5 million of AztraZeneca vaccine. Of all the vaccines, they gave the questionable antidote. Tough to swallow! Preposterous! Like a boy giving candies you don't like. What an insult! Rubbing it in! Adding insult to injury! Throwing salt to an open wound! Splashing fuel on fire! An utter disappointment and only Canada to blame!
Second largest country in entire planet with vast land and enormous resources. And, yet it end up with hundreds of billions in deficits, debts, no clear path to recovery and much more in dealing with COVID-19. SAD!
Did you notice leaders from other countries get infected. Even former president Trump got sick. Kudos to them! It just shows they're are working along side with their people!
If I'm the top leader of this country...I'll head down to USA...And, I'll give the ultimate DOGEZA. I'll keep my knees and head down on the ground until President Biden commit in giving vaccines by the millions each week. I'll kiss his ass! I'll even promise to give province of Quebec for free. It's not a joke! I'll only head back to Canada when I get the vaccines or been inflicted by the virus (I cannot be treated in USA, it'll be damn expensive and it'll only add to existing debts!).
Tell me, what's the point of staying pretty boy? For once, get rid of the podium, do an actual work and only come back in front of cameras when you got answers! Damn....We all knew acting is not working since day one! But, hey we'll make sure you get in the 3rd time. It'll be fudging charm Canada!