Hi, while writing on another thread, just thought about this one. I used to always try to strike a converstation with anyone around me. I am like a guy who can make a lampost talk

Most times I have fun with the Mexican guys with my broken spanish, and they are mostly eager to join in my smart ass comments about chicas or meseros or whatever.
Atleast 4 times I must have asked a white or black American whether he knows about mpnet forum or TJA and always I drew a blank, I thought to myself maybe I can "Decode' this guy he could really Sampson or Scatmandoo or Burt or Fireball or whoever

But it always turned out they had no balls, just plain old idiots who couldnt even speak good English
I think most of th emongers there in Zona are like Hilly billies or some such (I have nothing against them), its just more easier relating to the local Mexicans !
Whats your experience guys, anything fun, anything dangerous, anything weird.........?