Opinions please BNI
I asked about networking groups on this forum several months ago, and basically my conclusion from the responses, combined with "common sense", was that "some groups are well worth the effort and time and expense, and others are not; it really depends on the particular group and on your particular needs."
Since then, we have started attending a weekly Netweavers group. This has been one of the best moves, *for us*, that we could have made. This particular group is filled with active, warm, caring folks who seriously do care more about each other than they do about "making a sale". I know that not every group is like that. As I said, it depends on the group.
My best advice would be that if you trust that the person who invited you really has *your best interest* at heart (as opposed to "I have to make my guest quota"), and they have known both you and the group long enough to be able to reasonably ascertain that attending the meetings might actually be beneficial for you, then why not give it a try? Pay careful attention to the group's membership requirements and any possible hidden costs. Our Netweavers attendance costs us twice as much as "everyone else", simply because my husband refuses the idea of trading off weeks. He enjoys the meetings *that much* (and this, from a guy who *hates* to be in public-speaking settings). But we both feel that it is well worth the cost. We have gained so much more than just "business" through our associations with this group.
Several members of this particular group also belong to the same Chamber of Commerce that we do, and encouraged us to start attending the Chamber functions more regularly; because we then felt more comfortable because we already knew those folks, it has helped us tremendously with feeling more comfortable at the Chamber events- so it has sort of "paid off doubly" for us in that regard.
Each group has its own dynamics, largely based on the particular group's rules as well as the members/attendees. As long as you go into it with few, if any, "expectations" (also known as "delusions of grandeur"), you can't really lose anything by going to ONE meeting. Don't rush into a decision to join. I don't know much about BNI in particular, only that like Netweavers, there are several requirements for membership. I do believe, from a little research I did "back then", that BNI's requirements are much stricter than what we've seen with our Netweavers group. I'd recommend doing some research ("Google is your friend."
) before deciding whether to go or not.
Good luck, whatever you decide to do, and remember: if you decide to just have fun with any sort of networking you do, you'll get a lot better results, because folks will see you as a genuinely caring, pleasant person to be around.