Its the same thing as going to a doctor in my view.
You book a time and date but generally end up waiting anyways.
Be prepared to go to plan B, always have plan B if waiting is not in your playbook.
Until management or the girl know what kinda money you throw around, appts. don't mean much.
A big spender walks in 10 minutes before your appt. The girl will almost always take him first because they have a known commodity and
it doesn't make sense for her to give up a known $300/hour payment to one of the other girls and wait for an unknown like you.
TBH, I don't make appts unless I know the girl well enough and she knows me. And If I do make an appt, with an unknown girl, I go 30 minutes early just so I can get a feel on how things are going from the mgr or receptionist at that moment. That way I can evaluate and choose to go to plan B if I need to...
If you have patience, tolerance and acceptance as your guiding morals, all the better for you.
I've seen Yoyo before and she is good back up plan if your plan A doesn't work out.
But at the end of the day, I generally make sure I have time. I never want to be in a rushed sense of being, that's the worse for me.
I always make sure I have plenty of time
before and after (just in case she has other motives) ha ha
This is how I play things out in my mind...
Good luck!