It's good to have those who said Mimi/Amy and all Suko girls are over 30 to let us know what make them think so? For myself, from the appearance, voice and gesture of Mimi and Amy, it's hard for me to dispute that they are not under 30. OG Funguy who has a lot of respect from the team should make a few visits to Suko and tell us your view.
Why so complicated? Ever hear of Chinese zodiac? One main reason for it's existence is so you can figure out how old people are lol
You have to be able to have a conversation with MPA to use it effectively. Most Chinese use stereotypical thinking in assessing you would
be unable to use it for said purposes, so learn how to use it, and which questions to ask in order to plug in the chart. I've gotten exact, not close,
exact age, within a few friendly questions. The best part is they do not even know what's happening. The funniest part is if you befriend a few
Asians, whether MPA or other, some will use this method on you if they have not outright asked you (which is usually the case for immigrants).
ie: How old are you? How much do you make?
Open ended question = "I've had my Drivers Licence for almost 20 years, do you have a Licence here or in China?"
One time before age was even a thing for me, not that it ever has been, some reason I overreacted astonishingly when a Chinese girl said she had a Licence, so she whips the
Licence out like Dirty Harry would, though what she did not realize was the last few digits of the # are her birth date. I'm such a dummy I blurted out "Haa, your birthday is XXXX!"
Ohhhh boy, it was like I released the Krakken, beforehand she was like one of those Japanese School girls only sweeter, and then afterwards went into Godzilla mode.
Claimed I scammed her etc. anyway, don't get caught is my advice.