Ermmm excuse me sir, is this a setup?

Because I reached out to your chief of staff and I heard your VP has contracted the Rona for the 5th time, and your secretary of homeland security is currently in the midst of being traded off for the merchant of death.
Sooo how can I trust that your skinny dipping pool has been properly chlorinated?
Looks like cherie has risen up from the dead again with skepticism.
Alright cherie boo boo...
This is not a setup sweetheart. This is a private invitation from me to you. You can either accept or decline. If you don't want to skinny dip by the Reflecting Pool with your handsome leader you don't have to. You can keep your old choice. You don't have anything to lose (you might have to lose that sexy business suite you got on there. if you do choose to stay with moi hehe). This is no different when humans have the choice to keep their current plans or not. Won't affect any cost whatsoever. You feel me?
Your other question with concerns based on trust issues weather the pool is being properly chlorinated? Oh most certainly. You can trust me in this of course. Since I've became leader of the free world, I just signed into law where the RP waters must be cleaned @ all times. The two lovely ladies you see in my pro pic (Natasha & Kylie) are currently taking great measures to making the Reelecting Pool great again. *both ladies are seen peeing nakedly and freely while sticking up middle fingers in the Reflecting Pool*
I love this country with all my heart and so do you..
Before you interrupt..Just a moment *rapid aggressive flash bulbs from media cameras*
Hold on hun..Don't expose your fine ass yet..
Where do you get your information from? Like seriously? Did you get that nonsense from that old battle axe named Nancy Pelosi or from Justin Trudeau?
I can assure you my current Administration is in the best shape in terms of mind body and health and we're not wasting time. We go balls deep and the get the country on a rhythm again. If I got to add another trillion dollars in debt just to manufacture more lube over Virus nd merchants of deaths in order to save sexual lives. I'm gonna do it!
Now, if you'll excuse me I got a mighty tool that spells out as P E N with bills needing to be filled... Thank you all. No more questions.
Did the press conference get you wet too babe?