yes introduce yourself to the family and tell them you're sorry for their loss. i know its discomforting but maybe if you hold the conversation for a little longer and tell them why you're there or even ask them about the person who passed away - wake's are for remembering the passed too, so it can be fun to talk about the things they used to do. if "i'm sorry for your loss" is too generic and insincere for you, then think of something better to say. maybe if you can relate to them, if you've ever lost somebody, you coudl tell them about your passed loved one too. however way you look at it, wakes are pretty uncomfortable and there isnt much you can do about it. maybe get the family some flowers or something. anything to cheer them up. hope i helped and didnt just ramble. my grandfather died a month ago and at the wake i had lots of people i didnt know telling me they were sorry but the ones i liked the most were those who didnt look uncomfortable and who asked me about him or told me about their loved ones too.