No laughin matter!
yeah, Rex, it actually raises the deeper question:
Given the fact that most fair-minded and ethical individuals would believe that a short length of service in a public office does not qualify them for such exorbitant pensions, what sorts of individuals must be encouraged into vying for public office? Not a good thought, hey?
I'm prepared to admit that many good men and women have gone into public office with the most honourable of intentions. But not many ever refuse the golden handshake. Something about power and absolute and corruption, I seem to recall.
Occasionally you hear the excuse that such handshakes are simply a compensation for disruption to secular careers and that all we are doing is putting some money aside while they are in office coz they won't be as employable mpter it (like Peter fucken Reith, no doubt!). A bit like our dearly beloved ladies who, due to the ravages of time, know they have a limited time in this industry and need to earn enough to put something aside. So are pollies the ultimate whores? Sorry, wouldn't insult our ladies by association of their good name with such swine!!!!