Flopping again lil bitch?
Want me to pay for yer dinner too? Are ya that broke???
Mississauga isnt even that far. Why are u so stupid, what the fuck??
Yer the one who threatened me out of nowhere.
If ya cant fucking make yer own threats online a reality then stop yapping my g.
Why the fuck u gotta act tough online my g?? Are ya that much of a no lifer?? Yer a bigger loser than
@Ambler at least hes just some insecure old man, whining to spa hoes making it a therapy and sum shit.
These spa hoes are all prostitutes. None of ya need to try and be a white knight. This anonymous shit rly make some losers irl act tough and big
@Johnjoebowler ya kept bullshitting again. Say sorry to yerself, my little bitch.
Look at ya tryna think something funny to respond.