Known Reviewer
I truly can't comprehend this crap, yer right though about the mental stability, or lack of.I mean he’s clearly not okay in the head.
He’s been doing this shit for 2 years. Imagine doing this on a daily basis for 2 years bro. This guy definitely have no life.
He can’t even answer why he inserted himself while I was calling out bathwaterbuyer and now he’s thinks I’m XTC for taking a shit at him
Buddy got no common sense. He can’t add two and two together, that when he inserted himself in a convo, or forcing us to be XTC there will be retaliation.
And the funniest thing is he’s being used by his daddy ambler and daddy jjf as their pawn and he thinks they’re boysThey’re all gathering because they hate a promoter
What the actual fuck, these guys are grown men acting like housewives who’s jealous of the new neighbor and gathering up because of their own little agenda
What fuckwit, goes through with this shit, lies, spins it around back on us, then claims he's "high functioning "
Fuck, I broke out laughing last night reading his shit, maybe bumbles helped him write it..lolol