You have THREE brand new girls working today, with no indication they offer any services at all. Your spa is going to be blue ball alley today.
These new girls all just learning msg

& under not even the slightest pressure 2 do xxxtras.... so if yer hoping yer gonna get one of these sweet young girls to climb on top of u & offer fun xxtras, think again!
... a clean sweet nice gent however, who vibes well & flirts a bit... u might leave happy! U gotta no the delicate game w these inxxperienced gals...
Shallon? Very pretty girl, has some msg training, but u should really only try her 2 get a gr8 professional msg

f/ a sweet young thing.... she's not looking 2 add HJs 2 her resume!
Lola's totally new, not as young as the others... my hunch? Persuadable, but she won't offer, & likely yer gonna have 2 tell her what 2 do quite abit... but ofc newbies like her = supershy

so if u scare her or make her feel something's a bit off, no way Jose.
Irene's a real knockout

, new 2 the biz & very youthful... 1st day today... mebbe 1 day, she's gonna add some fun to her offerings, but ... u gotta b on yer game & have a bit of luck if u want anything xxtra...
Rica's in today tho! Service Queen

! Guaranteed fun & she's also pretty young, altho not a college girl... if u want a shur thing, a gd choice, and she's definitely cute.
.... if u c Cecelia in the hallway, don't hesitate, she's lotsa fun, very addictive... lotsa regs tho, a bit hard 2 catch ... Lucy's a superstar, guaranteed gr8 time, all semilegit services possible... but by apptmnt

only... w so many inxxperienced gals today, she's gonna b super busy
