Great question and lots of meaningful feedback from esteemed members..
I started at 42 (17 years ago) by being introduced by my wife to massages.. at first legit then.. well I met Maria…
I started once a month during my wife ‘s period.. then twice a month for about a year..
I started working on downtown Toronto, many late nights at work near Spadina and Queen.. twice a week at the seediest places - $60 specials from NOW magazine type..
one thing led to another and before I realized it it was three times a week, usually at lunch or between meetings..
after several years , probably 10, I decided to pick 4 ladies and see them once a month telling them that I only visit the spa once a month and they were the only one I I would see.. their periods were at different cycles and all went well until COVID.. then only one girl would let me in through the rear door at the spa .. only saw her during covid - except for three that I didn’t repeat with.. after Covid I tried to replace my four friends and tried almost everyone between Hurontario and Brontë …
I now have three ladies that I see, 1 significantly more than the others and looking to add a another to the mix.. maybe two..
my budget is $10,000 per year which I went over a bit this year, I always (90%) give $160 for and hour and it’s up to the lady to make me want to return.. last count I have 80 visits this past year.. but went an 8 day run in December with 6 visits, with 2 one day.. spa owner asked my age

. …
So back to the OP… I’m 59 and like to keep it to 6 or 8 appointments a month..
remember to enjoy the moment because some of the girls do think this way, as soon as you’re gone, you’re gone… they wait for the next $$160 bill or 20 minute $50 bill, doesn’t matter… they are working… many are very nice ladies, I’m a nice guy too , but at work - I work….
Sorry for the two bourbon epistle but if you have a chance to Google the works of Bowser and Blue…
Look up their version of La Bamba…
“ My name is Pancho,
I work at the rancho,
I make 5 pesos a day,
I go to see Lucy,
She give me her pussy,
And take all my pesos away..
Known a few Lucy’s in my days, including now..
Just checked my wallet.. $25 dollars.. no visit tomorrow..